Tuesday 9 August 2011


It absolutely sickens me what's happening here in the capital, I've never experienced anything like it. I must have been living in a naive bubble. This is really happening and people are really like this. BBC reporters have quoted girls on the street laughing and saying 'yeah we're showing the rich and the police that we can do what we like' as they sip looted wine and watch a man's business burn to the ground. Beyond belief. This is no protest, there is no real cause to 'fight', the people demolishing buildings and terrifying people have probably not even a clue of the name Mark Duggan let alone a valid reasoning they could give for their actions. This woman puts it best. What a hero and never a truer word spoken.


Unknown said...

"Naive bubble" you say?...mean like Dave admitting we have a criminal underclass. Oh well done Dave. Welcome to the real world. Bit late.

EVERY reason to fight. EVERY reason. This section of society makes me as angry as the scuzzy lil hoodrats...maybe more. Please read.


Anonymous said...

"Dear Ipsa. MPs will be reimbursed for the costs of going to Parliament on Thursday. We do not need your approval. Now toddle off."


jessica_designer said...

I'm now reading it.