Thursday 30 June 2011

I want this tin...

Wahoo tinned fish - UH,MAZE.ING..


While others in the studio are online shopping for shoes and nice things I'm 'watching' tins of fish. hmm what a saddo.

Just as long as I never open them...

Robin - Do you want a drink?

Shush please... secret bar.

Head to The Breakfast Club on Artillery Lane, just off Bishopsgate, where you’ll see a fairly normal looking Smeg fridge. 

Take your date by the hand, open the fridge door and walk through...

Inside you’ll find a moodily-lit cocktail bar that has exposed brickwork, an air of exclusivity, some great music and a wide selection of cocktails. 
Ensure your spot at the bar by emailing you name, contact details and when you’d like to go to

The changing face of Betty Crocker.

Fact of the day; undergoing subtle changes, nine Betty Crockers have appeared on cookbooks and cake mixes since the 1930's until in 2006 she was finally replaced, by a spoon.


Here's what he's saying about the work ( no idea what he's banging on about - )

“The very fact of the portrait's allusion to an individual human being, actually existing outside the work, defines the function of the art work in the world and constitutes the cause of its coming into being. This vital relationship between the portrait and its object of representation directly reflects the social dimension of human life as a field of action among persons, with its own repertoire of signals and messages."
I will translate that to - 'I sewed some cotton on to some material to make it look like faces innit.'

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Places to go before you're dead and it's too late and you'll regret it forever and stuff. arggghhh holidayyyyyy.

All time top three :
1. Machu Picchu,

2. Chichen Itza,

3. Easter Island.

at the Barbican



24 June 2011 - 24 July 2011 / 22:30
The Pit
Tickets: £42 including breakfast

For this sublime sleepover Duckie transforms the Pit into a tranquil communal bedroom for an audience of dreamers.

Lullaby is a gentle, slumber show designed to send you to sleep. Bring your pyjamas and toothbrush and pile up the zzz’s at this romantic rock-a-bye nocturne. Book a single, a double or a triple bed and sleep with us on a summer night in the city. Enjoy your reveries as sister songstresses H. Plewis, Harriet Plewis and domestic dreamers Matthew Robins and Tim Spooner create a nod-off narrative of soothing storytelling and choral cradle song.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

an incredible wedding.

Congratulations to the new Mr and Mrs Arnold!

People who like eating 6% meat content sausages...

...can now also enjoy them in a technicolour environment.
London based agency Venturethree,. recently overhauled not only the identity but whole brand look and product portfolio for the dated Little Chef, following the success of the Heston Blumenthal restaurant in Popham. More peas please Charlie.